Statiile de observare ACTRIS-RO sunt actualmente in pregatire dar opereaza deja o suita de echipamente de C-D pentru studiul compozitiei atmosferei.

LEGENDA: E = existent; P = planificat

Station name RADO-Bucharest RADO-Cluj RADO-Iasi RADO-Galati
Existing or planned E E E P
Station type Ground-based fixed Ground-based fixed Ground-based fixed Ground-based fixed
Station coordinates (latitude) 44.348°N 46.766°N 47.166°N 45.438°N
Station coordinates (longitude) 26.029°E 23.583°E 27.566°E 28.056°E
Station environment Pre-urban Urban Urban Pre-urban
Hosting institution National Institute of R&D for Optoelectronics Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Email of the PI livio [at] miky.ajtai [at] sgurlui [at] Mirela.Voiculescu [at]
Station type
Aerosol remote sensing  E E P
Cloud remote sensing E P P
Aerosol in-situ E
Aerosol high-power lidar E E P
Automatic sun/sky/polarized and moon photometer E E E
Cloud radar with Doppler capability E P P
Automatic low-power lidar / ceilometer E P P
Dual-frequency microwave radiometers E P P
Doppler Wind profiling Lidar E P
Mobility Particle Size Spectrometer E E
Integrating Nephelometer E
Absorption Photometer E
Thermo-optical method on quartz filters P
Aerodynamic & Optical Particle Size Spectrometer E
Condensation Particle Counter E
Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counter E
Aerosol Mass Spectrometer E
Water vapor Raman lidar E E
Temperature Raman lidar E
Surface radiation measurement instrument (BSRN) P
Automatic weather station E
Licor gas analyser P
Disdrometer E
Surface HCHO measurements E
Surface CH4 measurements E
Surface SO2 measurements E E
Surface CO measurements E E
Surface CO2 measurements E E
Surface O3 measurements E E
All sky camera E
DARLIOES: LIDAR based on space-time-resolved spectroscopy [200-700]nm E
Ultra High Vacuum Environmental Chamber and Space Simulation Systems E